Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where I am now?

I’ve been many different places the past six months. I’ll begin when I left America in January.
Studying abroad is an experience many students enjoy. As the typical architecture student does, I went to Rome, Italy to study abroad—four months at the American University of Rome, and some of the best times and greatest people I’ve ever met. I was able to discover calcetto (five a side soccer) and explore the city of Rome. The geographical proximity of Europe allowed me to travel inexpensively to countries I’ve never been. During my time there I visited (in no particular order): Barcelona and Madrid, Spain, Dublin, Ireland, Assisi, Pompeii, Palermo, and Venice, Italy, Paris, France. Although I would have liked to travel more, the time I spent in Rome with my friends was priceless.
Rather than going back to America at the end of my time in Rome, I wanted to prolong my time abroad. Although I missed my family and friends, I knew I most likely would not be able to get an internship at an architecture firm (my main goal for this summer) and I was already over here (across the Atlantic Ocean) I figured I’d push my luck and try to get an internship at AMIDEAST in Tunisia. Last year, in the spring after school, I travelled to Turkey and Tunisia with University International Scholars Program (a group fronted by Jim Savoie and Marcella McCoy) with 13 other students and 7 professors. The goal of the program was to encourage us to travel and be open to new experiences. AMIDEAST was one of the places we visited and with help from Jim I was able to successively gain an internship with the English school. So, that’s where I am. I’m in living in Sousse, Tunisia. It’s been two months and I have one more left. So far, it’s been great.
I have left a huge gap of where I started, America in January, and Tunisia in July… I’m working on recalling and updating this large gap. I’ve done a decent job visually documenting everything (as far as the sights) which is edited and shown on